TriCorps® Global Scurity Operations Center
The TriCorps® Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) is a hardened facility that is staffed 24/7/365 by trained professional operators and technical specialists. TriCorps’ GSOC is a 2,100 square foot state-of-the-art security operations center equipped with cutting-edge equipment and technology.
The combination of specialized operators and technology enables us to provide a variety of dynamic security solutions including:
- Burglar & Fire Alarm Monitoring
- Video Verification
- Video-Based Alarm Monitoring
- Virtual Guard Tours
- Virtual Escorts
- Audio Intervention (Talk-Down)
- Remote Access Control
- Unattended Delivery Notification
- GPS Panic Alarms
- System Health Monitoring
Remote Perimeter Protection
Remote perimeter protection solutions, including burglar and fire alarm monitoring and video-based alarm monitoring, offer remarkable efficiencies as the technology constantly monitors the scene and engages our specialized operators for video verification when analytic criteria have been met. This allows TriCorps to efficiently manage the entire response – from initial detection to on-site response.

Virtual Guard Tours
Remote perimeter protection solutions, including burglar and fire alarm monitoring and video-based alarm monitoring, offer remarkable efficiencies as the technology constantly monitors the scene and engages our specialized operators for video verification when analytic criteria have been met. This allows TriCorps to efficiently manage the entire response, from initial detection to on-site response.
Virtual Escorts
Upon request of individuals on-site, TriCorps operators can remotely scan the area for potential threats and then observe individuals as they move about the premises, communicating concerns or instructions, and contacting the proper authority when appropriate.
Audio Intervention (Talk-Down)
The ability for TriCorps operators to use direct audio to react to a security incident is referred to as audio intervention (talk-down). This allows operators to inform the detected perpetrator they are being monitored. Often times an intruder may understand that cameras are present, but doesn’t think they are actively monitored. In these cases, the use of directed audio has proven very effective.
Remote Access Control
By providing remote access control, TriCorps operators can verify that entry points are opened only for authorized activity. Our operators will verify the identity of individuals requesting access, confirm authorization to the site, track and record activity, and report any exceptions. For example, a vendor or guest arrives at a site and calls the TriCorps GSOC using a telephone entry system. TriCorps’ GSOC operators verify the vendor or guest is on an approved access list and will remotely grant access to the property.

Unattended Delivery Notification
Using high-definition surveillance cameras and advanced video analytics, TriCorps can provide notifications when packages or shipments are delivered to the property.
GPS Panic Alarms
TriCorps’ GPS tracking system is compatible with over 400 different tracking devices from various manufacturers that can be deployed for asset, personnel, and fleet tracking. When panic alarms on personal trackers are activated, or analytic parameters on asset and fleet trackers are broken, the alert is pushed to TriCorps GSOC and operators make the appropriate notifications.
System Health (E-Care) Monitoring
Technically speaking, E-Care is a reverse heartbeat process where TriCorps’ monitoring platform consistently communicates with the remote device to make sure it’s still online and communicating. If the device does not respond, an alarm is triggered alerting TriCorps operators of a potential problem onsite so it can be addressed accordingly.
“At 4:00 in the morning, a TriCorps Operator received an alarm for a client’s residence being monitored. The operator made immediate contact with the homeowners and informed them of the alarm. While speaking with the homeowner, multiple other alarms were received in the GSOC. The homeowner reported the odor of smoke in their residence. The local fire department was promptly dispatched. The ensuing fire engulfed the residence, in what ended up being a four-alarm fire. All seven occupants were safely evacuated from the residence.“