What is Executive Protection?
Executive protection refers to security and risk mitigation practices employed to ensure the safety of individuals who have elevated personal risk because of their employment, high-profile status, net worth, affiliations, or location.

Why is it Important?
In the frequently-changing schedules of executives, celebrities, and high net-worth individuals, there are many variables that require strategic planning. TriCorps’ executive protection services include intel gathering, advance planning, and a highly-skilled officer to respond to any threatening situations that may arise.
What You Receive:
In the field of executive and dignitary protection, TriCorps’ officers are among the most experienced professionals in the security industry today. Most of our executive staff are career law enforcement officials, many of whom have protected state and federal officials in full-time capacities such as State Police Dignitary Protection Details and the US Secret Service. Under the authority of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, current and retired law enforcement officers can carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws. This allows TriCorps executives to provide seamless protection.
TriCorps places an emphasis on advance work. Advance work includes gathering intelligence and conducting a threat assessment on the locales, venues, travel plans, and people that our protectee will encounter. When possible, we perform focused on-site “walk-throughs” and “dry-runs” and produce de-tailed intelligence reports and operations orders to be used in the actual protective assignment.
TriCorps also works with our clients to ensure the proper air and ground transportation, lodging, dining, medical care, and communication. We understand the value of collaboration with appropriate executive assistants, corporate pilots, personal managers, public relations personnel, and other key members of that VIP’s team to facilitate their safe and efficient movement and itinerary compliance.