Newsflash: 2020 was a tough year. Ok, maybe not quite breaking news. We will forever remember the challenges, hurts, and loss of this past year. Countless times during the pandemic onslaught, TriCorps answered the call to assist our clients in their security needs in multiple ways, even in complex environments.
As protests, riots, and looting broke out across the country, many existing and new clients prioritized private security. Not surprisingly, TriCorps is often asked how to best provide security and stretch the budget of clients. A concrete answer has become more and more common: integration.
TriCorps is unique in its business model of vertical integration (physical, electronic & cybersecurity). This distinction makes TriCorps an outlier and paradigm that is establishing new territory in the private security space. More importantly, TriCorps can save the client money by offering these integrated services under one roof. Every single time TriCorps has enveloped physical, electronic, and cyber under our single company service, we have saved client’s money.
To illustrate the compartmentalization, if a company contracts physical security services with TriCorps, but engages two other entities to provide electronic security and cybersecurity, respectively, that is always more taxing on a client’s budget. In this scenario, the company pays three different vendors to provide services in areas that TriCorps can accomplish exclusively. Not only is there wasted money by the company, but they are also not providing the best security to their employees. Physical security should work in conjunction with electronic surveillance and cyber.
See the graphics below to further illustrate our integrated model and how it best serves those we are asked to serve:

TriCorps is leading the industry throughout the nation with our integrated model. The clients we provide these comprehensive services to save money and are on the cutting edge of workplace security and data protection. Please give us a call (Todd Lamb, 405.621.9006) if you have any questions or desire to receive more information about TriCorps’ Integrated Security Model.