TriCorps is proud to announce a new partnership with GuardMetrics Security Management Solutions, a mobile guard tour and reporting system. “We are excited about our new alliance with GuardMetrics,” said Chad Bradley, TriCorps’ Chief Technology Officer.
“This robust PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) system will enhance TriCorps’ world-class services by providing GPS tracking, guard touring, incident reporting, daily activity logs with pictures and video, visitor management, and much more.”
A Modern Guard Tour System
The GuardMetrics Guard Tour App can track security guards by scanning NFC tags or QR codes and offers the option of virtual checkpoints. While a stationary tag is usually ideal for knowing that the officer is at EXACTLY that point, the virtual checkpoints can be convenient for a mobile vehicle patrol officer who is not required to exit their vehicle unless they see a reason to. They are recognized as in the vicinity via satellite and can submit an ACTIVITY form with the virtual checkpoint selected. A final option is simply setting the system to ping the officer’s device, monitoring their movement, even if they are not submitting scans, activities, or reports.
Ease of Use
The GuardMetrics guard management system, in all its facets, was developed over many years by experts with decades in the security guard industry. So, as you might imagine, the number one consideration in the GuardMetrics security officer system is the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Simple Soldier.
The simple, intuitive buttons on the mobile Guard Tour App guide the security officers smoothly through their duties. The GuardMetrics mobile app even keeps an updated user manual right in the upper-right corner of the home screen. The user manual is concise, primarily graphics, and has a pinch to zoom feature if needed. The Management piece is the same; simple to navigate and providing you with precisely what you need in a couple of clicks. And the Management Portal user manual is interactive, allowing you to click on a topic and jump right to it.
Deployment starts with a quick and easy setup. Once launched, about an hour of online training takes you through every administrative function and feature. You then are sent a deployment email including a management portal training video and a Mobile Guard Tour App training video.

TriCorps Security Officers, utilizing the GuardMetrics PSIM, will have the ability to complete reports right from the mobile app. Officers can geolocate the incident location, fill in relevant information, complete their narrative and even submit photos and video, which is then attached to the report and uploaded to the cloud. Once submitted, managers will have the ability to review and approve reports before they’re made available to the client.
One nice feature with GuardMetrics is the client portal. TriCorps has the ability to grant access to the portal to designated company representatives. From there, our clients have the ability to review guard tours, daily activity reports as well as approved incident reports. Additionally, TriCorps can set up to have specific reports emailed to company representatives on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
TriCorps is in the process of deploying five (5) GuardMetrics devices to the field in various areas to test the system. Once testing and evaluation are completed and satisfactory, we hope to deploy additional devices to the field in the future.