YOU can single-handedly sink this company. You can. This is not an exaggeration. Let’s go to the big board. IBM reports that it is more likely you will experience a data breach of at least ten thousand records (27.9%) than catch the flu (5-20%). The average cost of a data breach is a whopping $3.86 […]
Author: Sarah Burrows
TriCorps Surveillance Ranks 14th in OKC’s Metro 50
TriCorps Surveillance ranks 14th in Oklahoma City’s Metro 50, the fastest-growing privately held companies in the Oklahoma City Metro. The Metro 50 is one of Greater Oklahoma City’s most prestigious awards, and TriCorps has placed five times. “Ranking number 14 is a sign that our hard work and effort ensuring our clients are secured has […]
Active Shooter – What Can We Do?
What can we do? This is a question many have when it comes to active shooter and workplace violence situations. For some, it can be a complicated topic to navigate because it affects so many areas of our lives – personally, politically, and corporately. For others, the reality of a potentially violent event can be […]
Seven Common Accident Causes
Consider this statistic: 80 out of every 100 accidents are the fault of the person involved in the incident. Unsafe acts cause four times as many accidents and injuries as unsafe conditions. Accidents occur for many reasons. In most industries, people tend to look for “things” to blame when an accident happens, because it’s easier than […]
Customer Service – It’s All About Intentionality
When it comes to customer service in the security industry, being intentional about everything we do and say is key. It is important for security officers to understand that a client’s first impression of them, and the security firm they are working for, is largely based upon how they look and act. We believe providing […]
Panasonic Names TriCorps a Diamond Partner
Panasonic, a leading manufacturer of electronic security products, now recognizes TriCorps Surveillance as a Diamond Partner. A Diamond Partnership means TriCorps receives the best pricing Panasonic has to offer, allowing TriCorps to pass on better value to its customers. David Holman, Territory Account Manager for Panasonic, presented the award at the TriCorps Command Monitoring Center […]
You are our Greatest Asset Online: Protecting Yourself and TriCorps
Warren Buffett, considered the greatest investor of all time, recently said “I don’t know much about cybersecurity, but I do think it’s the number one problem with mankind.” – Here are some statistics: $445 billion. That’s the total the World Economic Forum estimates will cost the global economy in 2016 thanks to cybercrime. That […]
A More Perfect Union
The Preamble to the United States Constitution sets lofty goals: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this […]
Emotionally Disturbed Person: The EDP
By Ben Crocket January 31, 2017 I think an often over-looked training topic is dealing with emotionally disturbed individuals. In today’s society, and with the world becoming increasingly violent and unpredictable, we are more and more likely to encounter an emotionally disturbed person. I found this short article in “Blue Sheepdog Magazine”. The article was […]
Securing the Cyber World – Introducing TriCorps Cybersecurity
In today’s rapidly evolving world and with advances in technology, criminals are attacking organizations on the web. From online criminals accessing personal bank accounts, to ransomware hackers pulling confidential information from a corporate organization, the need for security in the cyber world is essential. “We are seeing a mounting risk as so many organizations are […]