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Dangerous De-Training

The article below originally appeared on Police One website in February of this year.  I think it gives us a lot to think about.  There are certainly ways we can train wrong.  Let’s all make sure we don’t fall into the mistakes made the article points out.

Task vs. Fight Focused

How many times have you found yourself shooting a course of fire and suddenly in the middle of a timed event, realize you have a slide locked to the rear and only a second or two left to get the remaining couple of rounds off? Or how about working on handcuffing drills with your partner […]

Mobile Active Shooter

I recently came across this article from LinkedIn. It reiterates several issues we have been talking about in the police/security firearms arena.  The article was considerably longer but I shortened it because it makes my point.  We talk all the time about mindset, taking the fight to the bad guy, and about knowing your equipment.  […]

Training Under Stress

I recently came across this article in the Beretta Blog and thought it would be a great introduction into the New Year, since we are getting ready to begin some continuing education training.  We will start training our TriCorps officers in the area of firearms and defensive tactics beginning this month and continue throughout the […]

Deadly Errors

I re-read this article recently and believe it is a perfect reminder for us as we work in the security and law enforcement fields. Over the years I have seen many variations of “deadly errors” that law enforcement and security officers make to get themselves hurt. I invite you to draw up this list in […]

Happy Veterans’ Day

As I contemplated what topic to cover for this month’s training article for our newsletter, I thought long and hard about this being Veteran’s Day. While I didn’t enter the military, I have the utmost respect and admiration for those that did. I’ve spent almost thirty years in law enforcement, however, if I could go […]

Home Safety

As you all know, nothing about our jobs/career’s mean that we are totally exempt from becoming a victim. Like everyone else that has to leave their home to go to work, we have our valuables at risk of being stolen in a burglary when we are out protecting others. I recently came across this article […]

TriCorps Makes OKC’s Metro 50

TriCorps was honored to be named to the annual Metro 50 list for the 4th year in September of this year. At No. 16, it was our highest ranking yet! Metro 50 is a local award that recognizes the “50 fastest-growing private companies in central Oklahoma.” At TriCorps Security, we’re been lucky to have such […]

Female Self-Defense

This month I wanted to talk about safety for women. All of us have been asked to give safety advice to women from time to time and most of us have women working where we are assigned. And certainly we all have special women in our lives that we want to make sure are staying […]

Selling Safety

I have trained a lot of people in the almost thirty years as a police officer.  One of the first things I always say to a new recruit is, “We are in the sales business.” I always follow that up with a clarification of “We sell public safety.”