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Know Your SOPs

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output, and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with specific instructions. SOPs and checklists are essential to the successful operation of our sites. […]

Heat Stress Safety

Working outdoors in regions with warm climates means hot summer months pose special hazards. It’s imperative to acknowledge the potential hazards that can come with working outdoors in the heat and sun and to take measures to proactively protect yourselves. Heat – The combination of heat and humidity can be a serious health threat during […]

Electronic Security in the Oilfield

Oilfield theft is, and has been, a persistent issue that plagues the energy sector. Most oil and gas production sites are in remote locations which typically make them prime targets for thieves and vandals. Their inaccessibility makes them difficult to monitor, so criminals are often able to move in and out quickly with little or […]

Executive Protection Within the Integrated Security Model

Executive protection refers to security and risk mitigation practices for individuals who have elevated personal risk because of their employment, high-profile status, net worth, affiliations, or location. In today’s world, executive protection can no longer be an isolated bodyguard. Through TriCorps’ Integrated Security Model, our experienced executive protection officers are equipped with intel, surveillance, and […]

Think Before You Send

The father of a Catholic parish in Ohio recently had to explain to his parishioners how his church had lost $1.75 million. In a letter to his flock, Father Bob Stec explained what had occurred, how overnight, nearly $2 million had disappeared from their coffers.   The church had been undergoing renovations and working with a construction company. The church wired […]

Combating the Internal Threat: Using IT Auditing and Online Surveillance to Fight Data Theft

Organizations spend a fortune purchasing the latest cybersecurity firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect against external threat actors. Yet, they often neglect one of the greatest threats to their own data: employees. A survey by Biscom highlighted the danger of employee data exfiltration. The survey found: More than 1 in 4 respondents say they […]

Customer Service Failure – How to Recover

“Most of your competition spend their days looking forward to those rare moments when everything goes right. Imagine how much leverage you have if you spend your time maximizing those common moments when it doesn’t.” – Seth Godin, American Entrepreneur, Author and Public Speaker Unfortunately, customer service failures are bound to happen, even when you […]

TriCorps Installs Security System at Missouri School

TriCorps installed facial recognition, video management, and access control systems along with new HD cameras to aid West Platte School District in their proactive security measures. Click here to view News-Press’ video on how these additions help secure the school.

Preventing Hand Injuries

Hand injuries are the second leading cause of work-related injury. Slips, trips, and falls get a lot of OSHA attention, as fall protection is the most frequently violated standard. But hand injuries remain one of the most common work-related injuries, and for that reason alone, warrant a substantial investment in protection. Wearing gloves has been […]